Thursday, February 19, 2015

For a Change

We, all human should support them in all the possible ways,
All of us may not have a leadership quality and need a leader to move with a required pace.

Every person has a quality, could contribute for the development of nation,
This is a hope from all, I could ask from every individual to transform into action.

They promise, they win and they forget, this has been a trend,
We are "one" to bring a change this tradition has been followed since decade.

The basic needs of common people have been always a part of sympathies,
The politicians’ behaviour change with times as “Scylla and Charybdis”.

We suffer, gather huge agony and can’t get any easy attention,
However, we have the right for “Dharna” as a citizen of republic nation.

This is a hope would lead towards our right to obtain,
Thanks Bapuji for the initiation, till we could sustain.

The tolerance with Indians is a by birth assets,
However, never try to underestimate the power of common humans.

This is a new generation; not to support blindly is a liability,
Everything is temporary, would lead for a change in search of equality.

Author: Chandan Das

(Motivated from the ignorance of MHRD)