Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Solo riding to my dreamland-2

Nice day, nice surrounding, and remembrance of someone special,
To start up a few lines out of my best, is consequential.

It has been a dream, if we could meet up sometime face to face,
However, the moment is such that I can't reach with my present pace.

I am addicted of many chaotic sounds though are meandering and slow,
I extract the unique feel as rendering the miracle of time, rushes along in steady flow.

With time... I gather a huge bunch of memories, I must rejoice,
Memories are memories, whether good or bad and can't be thrown in trough from our choice.

The world is in race, all are moving with their determined ambition,
I am also a follower of same route and not an exception.

Sometimes I feel, I search, I think, where is the destination,
I become dumb myself from so many self-queries and don't find suitable explanation.

The feel I have, is so special, heavenly and spontaneous, need not to defend,
It needs to be procured, the same feel to be recurred till the end.

It has been the wish to see you determine, hope my greetings would resound,
And a heart-full pray for all well-being, from all surround.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Solo riding towards my dreamland-1

Nothing to be wonder, life may be a blunder,
Seems, GOD always reforms, ignores to lasts stranger

Though, our choices always vary, life is a complicated series,
Permutation and combination might be there, but are a part of sweetest memories

We move, we feel and we urge, seems to be meaningless,
This is like my daily boost as a rider’s “fiber chocolates”

Sometime I feel, probably fifty percent is crossed,
Can imagine like a sweet dream, all the adventures get recalled

Nobody can replenish, the past and life’s gory chunk,
Because, it is not like an electronic clip and can’t be replayed though we want

None for none and you are the one, hope it resound,
It’s your life, hope you won’t destruct and could move on a monotonic ground

Happy moments to you and all, I wish for glorious moments,
Hope GOD may design the route, straighten and ascents

Author: Chandan Das

Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Personal experience from “JAJABAR, a tribute to Dr. Bhupen Hazarika” with diverse artists

JAJABAR, “a tribute to Bhupenda (Dr. Bhupen Hazarika), a tribute to life” was organized by The Assam Association Mumbai on 4th November, 2014. The entry was first come first basis and thus we, “me and a few friends” were fortunate to enter after many obstacles. However, who remembers the bitter past! when the happiness is beyond our limit. As an audience, I have enjoyed a lot of such programme, but when the musicians are like your friend, brother, sister or naani is something unexplainable.
JAJABOR, a tribute to Bhupenda
When I entered near the Green Room, was feeling bit uneasy, but slowly I could manage with the ambience and with the people who were in descent dresses of dhoti, paijama and some in pair of formals with black shoes. However, the interesting part was, when I first met Usha Mageskarji and saw my friend, Mousumi Medhi was learning some tips, how she can improvise to excel herself in the field of music.
With Usha Mangeskarji and Arun

I was speechless for a moment, whether it is so easy to meet such people. It is a mixed feeling, can’t be expressed so easily. I can give a small example to feel the similarity. Yes, it is somewhat similar to when anyone crack a competitive exam, the excitement stays for some time and later, one can feel like it was not that tough. But, the people who does not get such an opportunity may know the height of such value. This was my first experience during that eve show. The people who are great, they are extremely down to earth and our assumption does not work how we feel on the other way. A quote from early education, “a little learning is dangerous thing”, could be correlated upto some extent. The people who has real quality, all of them perhaps have kinda similar manner.
We all with Zubeen

But this was not my supreme wish for the day and indeed I was waiting for my idols, Shan and Zubeen eagerly. I was astonished, when I suddenly saw Zubeen is talking with some people near to me. I was so excited and was thinking how I can introduce myself and of course to click a picture with him. But, something happened totally different and was going in an unexpected direction. Here, I would mention that I heard many controversial comments about Zubeen, and what I experienced within an hour or so was really amazing. After sometime, Zubeen suddenly called me to his green room and told lets go for a walk towards marine drive. 
With the Assamese Legend, Zubeenda
I was so happy and thought how I can miss this golden chance to walk around with such a legendary person. We became like close friend very soon, anyone can’t think of, probably a few can. That was of course, his credit, when a senior person wills to make such a relation, needs his effort. I asked so many things about his personal and professional life, which I am not disclosing here. He is living his life in his own way, won’t care what or how the people think about him, and of course his
 dedication and god gifted voice have lifted him to be the legend of modern Assamese songs.
My all time fav, Shan
Zubeen, who has changed the whole music taste of Assam including Modern songs, Music, Bargeet, Bhagwat reciting, and poem etc. I am blessed for that one hour and is a memorable chapter of my life.
That night I could meet various artist such as Shan, Mausumiba (Mausumi Saharia), some other amazing traditional dancers and other co-actors of Bollywood.
 A few other memorable
With Papuda
moments came to their way and were giving me surprises with times. While we were coming back from the theatre, Mausumiba asked, how was my performance? These all are a few experiences, which I will remember whole my life. These moments have marked in my memory’s chapter like a super permanent marker, would love to preserve always.

With Mausumiba

And the man who was behind all these, was 
our lovely Papuda, who took all the effort to enter us into the show being a leading guitarist for that night. He is basically a regular guitarist of Javed Ali and has established himself into the music industry with his continuous effort. All these people have left a deep influence to learn something from them.

Word count: 713
Author: Chandan Das
Webpage: ChandanDas.in