Sunday, August 4, 2013

Live and love others... one world one community !!!

Dear all, wishes to all of you in this special day, so that you could find a cause to live in this earth happily. Be a human, be a responsible citizen. Thousands of problems are around us and we are busy in division /partition, communal collision and finally for self position, though the real problems lie somewhere else. Nobody could be freedom, because we are in limitation by birth. We are
bounded by rules, bounded by national boundaries and finally we are bounded by natural rules and limitations. We could only be freedom through our mental satisfaction. We all are living being and have to live in this earth till any other planet to be discovered further.

Learn to live together...! actual pleasure lies on that... think for you, think for others too...

Violence won’t grant you any path to live in a comfortable way. Find the genuine problems and solve them.

 I bet, you won’t get time to think about violence and havoc if you think once yourself the genuine problems around you.

Really worried about the present situation; common people are insisted to do such activities and finally they suffers. Unawareness makes them “scapegoat”.

Author: Chandan Das
Word count: 196

Monday, July 8, 2013

Science and Scientific Society, A Personal Experience

Science is the base that can only lead a society to the right direction. Even though it is a controversial comment, whether impact of science is good or can lead to harsh dilemma of living being. But the most important thing is not, weather science is good or harmful to us; indeed it is beyond our thinking too to avoid science in this stage. So we have to move on that track and have to find solutions, may be recreation of problems and again solution until nature won’t take any further strict action against this selfish creature, human being. However, Nature has developed us, she has been teaching us and brought us to the recent stage and she may take care of us too. None of these is our business of our real interest, though we are making so many protocols with time.

Basically survival in this earth makes us to practice slowly with the unpleasant structure of system. First we hate the system and slowly we adapt ourselves. This is the practice, which is being followed with time, though a few are against such type of misleading rules, but their Hippocratic Oath merges in huge unpleasant smell slowly.

Today, I am going to discuss about an experience I have gathered in my small period of research and personal life too. I will start with an example; usually I used to face with engineering students. Once a B.Tech. student asked me about my past academic life. I told him that I worked in NCL-Pune as project trainee before joining IIT Bombay. Then he asked me what NCL is. I replied him that NCL tends for National Chemical Laboratory, first CSIR laboratory in India. Then he asked me again what CSIR is. I was just shocked in his questions. And this has been repeated during discussions many a times with technical students. Why they are still unaware about CSIR, India's largest R&D organization. Why CSIR is unable to make a proper bridge between science and technology since long back; though it has been established in 1942. There might be negligence or unwillingness to make a bridge, the cause behind failure to act with the prudence with surrounding society. The crores of funds are invested for them, which are basically a collection from common people in various forms and it makes them responsible to make aware about their work to all the common people. It can be in the form of some basic science workshops, understandable to common people or any other activities.

Until their practical understanding to the society and accordingly their action, only publishing research papers in high impact journal can’t change the present situation of India. Rather it will be only a war of individual position in the society.

Author: Chandan Das
Word Count: 464

Friday, January 11, 2013

Prof. C. N. R. Rao's Lecture at IIT Bombay, 11th Jan 2013

Attended an amazing talk by Prof. C. N. R. Rao just an hour ago. What an enthusiastic fellow till now in the age of 80. He decorated his lecture by the showcase of various extraordinary minds of 18th and 19th century and the connections of various approaches in science amongst all those great minds. He believes that it is needed a proper knowledge of the history of those pioneer groups of modern sciences.

It helps in good understanding of science and to connect properly while we are approaching with innovative ideas. We can understand the key elements from those great people and it helps to connect our new ideas in proper direction.

A few key points I understood are:

* Science's contribution to us is amazing and what is my contribution as an individual to science? Just think about it???

* Be selfish towards yourself and not to the society.

* Know your integrity and contribute as an individual to the science and society. Thus you, your surrounding and slowly everything will change. (Michael Faraday did everything individually without any guidance, students; amazing!!!)

* Science does not follow any holidays (Heisenberg reported the uncertainty principle during a vacation time in the absence of his guide). Thus we should work hard to change our society.

* China contributes 14.5% of science, U.S.A 16.5% and India's contribution is only 2.5%.

His body language reflected a lot of things which I could feel.

Really a devoted person of Bharat Mata!!!

Author: Chandan Das

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ashoke Sen's Lecture at IIT Bombay Techfest Lecture Series, 2013

Simple person with simple life style to make complex concepts into simple and well understood to the common people is the motif of life of a renowned scientist, whose contribution to the physics is invaluable. Ashoke Sen, the prestigious fundamental physics award winner for his contribution to the ''String Theory'' was invited to the technical festival (Techfest) of IIT Bombay on 4th Jan 2012 lecture series.

Ashoke Sen during open interaction with students

My previous believe and the information I had was totally imperceptible about him paying attention as a reclusive shy scientist. In the mean time I would like to mention that Sen is not shy/reclusive, rather he likes to be simpler and may be the simplest way of living. He was wearing the big “Chasma” (can be seen in any other Google Images), simple T-shirt... after all a man with simplicity. My wish came true as I got the opportunity to attend his live lecture in this event of Techfest. His presentation and interaction was one the simplest of all I have ever attended. At that time a question came to my mind, is Ashoke Sen a big fan of Einstein??? Einstein's popular quote "to make simpler something is the toughest job" exactly the way Ashoke Sen was trying to convey the message during his presentation.

His lecture includes the basic parts
* The basic understanding of elementary particles (Quarks, Leptons, Mediators, Higgs).

* Connections between Quantum Mechanics and Modern Theory of Relativity.

* Imagination of 9 dimensions, indeed it is a bit difficult to understand the four dimensions.

String theory is a concept based on modern relativity theory and quantum mechanics. His innovative ideas and his efforts may be substantially beneficial in the search of a unified theory. He says that to find a phase of string theory that has exactly the elementary particles one can observe in nature is an open problem to be solved.

Author: Chandan Das