Thursday, December 6, 2012

Visit to the Sameer Hilltop inside the IIT Bombay campus

It was a nice experience and pleasure today morning to visit Sameer hilltop under IITB campus. I joined the mini trip with my colleagues Deepak Malani and Vijay Rakad. This two hour journey allowed getting pleasure from the diverse beauty of IITB campus and its surroundings, instead of being busy with the stress of study and other internal activities. I never wake up early morning rather than exam times and today I did something extra (from my usual routine) with the help of Vijay’s preplan. The route as well as the place was new for us and we got the pleasure every moment to discover something new, which is a usual human tendency. In the mean time I would like to say that the IITB campus has rich and diverse ecological communities performing a variety of functions. One can see more numbers of animals than human being inside the campus. It includes various types of birds, wild cow, snakes, leopard (rare) etc.

Therefore while moving towards the hilltop, sometimes an unknown fear arised with the remembrance of leopard and snakes. When we reached the destination, we were able to see the real natural beauty of IITB. It was amazing to see the green Campus from top, Powai Lake, Vihar Lake and the nice view of hills on the other shore. We did some activities, which are not legal in IITB rules. We crossed the boundary and we find the clear view of Vihar Lake and nearby slum areas, even we visited a temple near to the lake side. Simply, it was a short journey but with lots of experiences and enjoyment.

Author: Chandan Das
Word count: 277

Friday, November 30, 2012


Qualitative research does not need to have a sophisticated laboratory; rather it needs innovative ideas and to make it worthy with the existing facilities. This has been proved recently by a shy Scientist, Ashoke Sen from Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad. He is working on string theory, which basically describes the fundamental laws that drive everything we see around us. String theory combines quantum mechanics and Einstein’s theory of relativity. It is completely a mathematical theory and does not have any strong experimental explanation till date. It hopes to explain almost everything about matter and energy around us and universe as a whole. As such, String theory is termed shortly as the theory of everything.

In August 2012, Ashoke Sen was awarded the prestigious Fundamental Physics award for his contribution to the ''String Theory''. The award was started by Russian entrepreneur “Yuri Milner” and usually called as the Russian Novel Prize. The monetary value of this award is known to be $3m, almost triple of the Novel Prize. Today this reclusive professor is one among the richest professor in the world. His contribution to the science should be highly appreciated by everyone.

Think unique, think crazy and be a miracle!!!


Author: Chandan Das

Words count: 210

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Salute to Sacrificial Mother!

Salute to Sacrificial Mother!

Mother is one, who cannot be replaced by any means. Sacrifice is her inevitable duty. It is quite ambiguity for a guy to figure out how she enjoys her responsibility and prone to serve her child. Her willingness to sacrifice health and safety for the sake of her children is a common narrative amongst us. Mother’s sacrifice is by no means bounded only among human beings. A bird moves from here to there in search of food to keep alive her babies, female polar bears starve, dolphin mothers stop sleeping and some spider moms give themselves as lunch for their crawly babies' first meal. Even yeast sacrifices her life for her babies. Yeast mothers give a consistent amount of mitochondria to their offspring at each generation, and so over time they have fewer and fewer of the organelles themselves and after tenth generation they used to die.
Salute you mom!!!

Author: Chandan Das

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sports to Managerial skills, a talk by Harsha Bhogle and Anita Bhogle

Harsha Bhogle, the renowned Indian cricket commentator, has also grown to be a presenter, writer and motivational speaker. Recently, Harsha and his wife Anita Bhogle have written a book on management named, “The Winning Way”. Anita says that almost seventy percent of the book is her contribution. Today they were the chief guests in an annual management festival of SJM-SOM, IIT Bombay. An entertainer, entrepreneur, a person with sense of humor and finally an author, who connected the small ventures and thoughts of cricket with managerial skills in his lecture today. Bhogle and Bhogle say that there are direct connections between sports and management. It is mandatory to have good managerial skills to be a good leader.

They shared many personal experiences and told all the possible ways to grasp the proper opportunity comes in life and how to succeed with managerial skills. They picked up many examples, such as Rahul Dravid, Sachin and a few more cricketers and said to explore yourself who you are and how you can play in your own way as a team player and achieve the overall success.

Even though they are from different fields, Harsha and Anita spoke the similar thoughts. They think that positive attitude is the key of success, which comes from humility. Sometimes it comes on its own way, but we have to recognize and catch up with time. The same ball may come in various ways for various players. Genius can read it easily, that is their inherent property. They say not to fear of being failure, otherwise how one can discover of his quality. Try and make mistakes and you will learn and again try then you will reach your destination. Otherwise repeat the same and you will be a good leader, a repetition of the Swamiji’s novel quote. The more you fear there is a propensity of more failure. It was almost about the practical experience they gathered in their life. They tried to make people relate to sports and through that help gain insight for management.

“The Winning Way” has not been read by me, I will try to convey the message soon.

Author: Chandan Das